Wednesday, December 15, 2010

For December 20th

This week choose two topics that you might want to do for your written report and tell us what they are in the comments. Please be specific about your topics!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Food Trends 3

In the next class we are going to talk about different ways of eating including: vegetarianism, bin-diving, underground restaurants, street food, unusual recipes and much more! Choose one question below and answer in the comments.
1. Watch this VIDEO about an illegal underground restaurant in London. What was something interesting you noticed about this "restaurant"?
2. Watch this VIDEO about taco trucks in Los Angeles. What did you like about it?
3. Watch this VIDEO of Paula Deen, an American chef, making her famous breakfast sandwich. What do you think of it?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Food Trends 2

Next class we will have Quiz #4 over the words on page 151. We will also listen to a report about a fast-food trend in France. In the comments, please tell us about your favorite fast-food restaurant. See you!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Food Trends 1

Next class we will start talking about food trends. Read the questions below and answer one of them in the comments.
1. If you enjoy cooking, please tell about what/how you like to cook.
2. Do you like to eat out? What kinds of restaurants do you like best?
3. Are you a vegetarian or a vegan? Tell us about it.
4. How have eating or cooking habits changed in your country recently?
5. When you shop for food, do you read the labels? Why or why not?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Homework 2

If you hate homework, maybe you're not doing it right. Watch a video about how to do homework HERE. What points do you think are good? Which are not so good? Tell us what you think in the comments.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Answer the survey below then write your ideas about homework in the blog's comments.

How do you feel about homework?

View Results
Create a Blog Poll

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Giving to Others Part 3

Choose one of the NGOs from below. Do a little research and be prepared to tell your partners about it next week. In the comments please tell me which NGO you chose. See you!

The David Lynch Foundation

Habitat for Humanity International

Amnesty International

International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission

Doctors Without Borders

The Nature Conservancy

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Giving to Others Part 2

As you can see in the chart above, women seem to be much more generous than men in giving to charity. Was it always like this? Please watch this VIDEO about the history of women donating to women's social causes and answer the questions on the homework sheet.
Also, in the comments, please answer ONE of the questions below:
1. What is your reaction to the video?
2. When did women get the right to vote in your country?
3. Tell us about a time you donated money or volunteered time to a charity.
4. Why do you think women are more generous than men?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Giving to Others

Welcome back to school everybody! For the next three lessons we will be talking about why people give to charities. A charity is an organization that helps people who need it - often people who are poor, ill or in a bad situation.

Please answer only ONE of these questions in the comments.

1. Where do you think charities get their money from?

2. What kind of people usually give to charities?

3. Why do people give to charities?

Remember, we don't have class on October 11th.


Monday, July 12, 2010


In the comments please tell me the topic you might do for our last presentation. Start doing research this week!!!!!

Oh, and have a great Umi Day!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Animal Intelligence

In Unit 4 we will be studying about animals' intelligence. Read the statements below then in the comments, tell us which ones you think are true.


Some animals can...

1. create words and symbols.

2. do simple math.

3. recognize themselves in a mirror.

4. play tricks on humans.

5. show a sense of humor.

6. show grief.

7. lie to others.

Bonus question!! What language are the dolphins speaking in the cartoon??


Monday, June 28, 2010

Next Week: REPORTS!

Good job today everybody! Next week we will give our third report. Remember to have an interesting introduction so your listeners will be "hooked" from the beginning!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rough Draft

This week's homework is to do your research and write a rough draft. In class next week we will check each others' papers.
Remember these points when writing your paper:

Indent / Paragraph shape
Everything should be in English
References (at least 2)
Interesting introductions
Don't refer to yourself
Use spell check
Don't change the subject
Each paragraph is ONE idea
Don't repeat words
Need specific examples
Don't start sentences with But Because And or So

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sleep Disorders

Please answer ONE of the questions below in the comments and try to use some of the new vocabulary (miserable, to accumulate, to suspect, chronic, a surge of, alertness, to snore, cranky, a priority, fatigue, dim, spontaneous, subtle, to blink, to do without)


1. How do you feel in the mornings? Why do you think you feel that way?


2. Do you sleep well at night? Why or why not?


3. Are you a victim of any sleep disorders? Please share your experience.

Also, please tell me which topic you chose for your next report!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Unit 3 Early to Bed, Early to Rise

In this unit we will be studying the effects of sleep deprivation. This week, write down how many hours you sleep each night then average it. In the comments, please tell us the average number of hours you usually sleep.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

May 31st: Presentation Day

YES we have class on May 31st!! I made a mistake on the syllabus - sorry!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Topics for Second Reports

Look at page 219 in our textbook for ideas for your next topic. In the comments, please tell me one or two ideas you have. Your ideas can be different from the ones in the book!

Look at this webiste HERE for more famous people with disabilities.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

UNIT 2 The Achilles Heel

In the next chapter we will talk about people overcoming obstacles. For example, an athlete winning a gold medal at the Olympics after an injury or illness.

Look at the different obstacles below then answer one of the questions in the comments.

illness, injury, discrimination, learning disability, lack of money, shyness, physical or mental disability

1. Which one of the obstacles would be the most difficult to overcome? Why?

2. Do you know anyone who has faced one of these obstacles? Did they overcome the obstacle?

3. What other kinds of obstacles do people face?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Reports for May 10th

Step 1: Choose a topic
For example -
p.5 your opinion about one of the interviewees' opinions
p.18 your opinion about one of the ideas
p.20 your opinion about one of the quotes
p.218 your opinion about the results of your news getting

Step 2: Write the report
1- 2 pages long, typed
First paragraph - introduce the topic and state your opinion
Next paragraphs - explain why you have this opinion, give facts and examples, tell why other people might not agree
Last paragraph - restate your topic and opinion, make a prediction about the topic
References (tell where you got your information)

Step 3: Prepare the oral report
Practice talking about your topic without using notes. This should be about 2 or 3 minutes long.

If you have any questions or need me to check anything, please email me!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Homework for April 26

Please take the poll below:

How often do you read or watch the news?

View Results
Create a Blog Poll

In the comments, please tell me where you read or watch the news (for example: NHK, The Asahi Shinbun, the Internet, etc)

And don't forget to bring a news article next class!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Blog Post

Please tell me about the partner you met during our first class.

Go to "comments" below. Type your information (don't forget your name!). In the "comment as" section, you can choose "Anonymous". Finally, click on "Post comment".

Send me an email if you have problems.

See you next week!
